About us

SNV is a global development partner, deeply rooted in the countries where we operate. We are driven by a vision of a better world:

A world where across every society all people live with dignity and have equitable opportunities to thrive sustainably.

To make this vision a reality, we need transformations in vital agri-food, energy, and water systems. SNV contributes by strengthening capacities and catalysing partnerships in these sectors. We help strengthen institutions and effective governance, reduce gender inequalities and barriers to social inclusion, and enable adaptation and mitigation to the climate and biodiversity crises.

Building on 60 years of experience we support our partners with our technical and process expertise and methodological rigour. We do this in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia with a team of approximately 1,600 colleagues. By being adaptable and tailoring our approaches to these different contexts, we can contribute to impact at scale, resulting in more equitable lives for all.

Addressing the root causes

For billions of people the world is unsafe, uncertain, and unpredictable. Inequity is increasing. The climate crisis is already deeply impacting the lives of those who are least resilient.

More people are living in increasingly fragile contexts. Hundreds of millions of people still lack access to energy, food and water. To counter the challenges the world faces, we need to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, at scale.

Striving for systemic change

Today’s problems are not just technical puzzles, they represent complex systemic challenges. That is why we strive for systems transformation that goes beyond surface solutions and fighting symptoms, and that we look beyond project boundaries.

True transformation is never just one change

It starts with curiosity – asking why a problem persists. This requires sensitivity to the local context, to power dynamics and the relationships and connections between stakeholders. By being deeply rooted in the countries where we work, we have developed a solid understanding of and strong relationships with these stakeholders. We partner with them in envisioning outcomes and the processes through which change can occur, recognising that change must be locally led.

That is why we facilitate inclusive and collaborative processes at different levels – linking needs to opportunities, delivering outcomes and enabling conditions for impact. We work with a wider set of system actors, blending their and our own capacities, knowledge and innovations to craft approaches that catalyse change. We see this as an iterative process, in which we pursue multiple options, and throughout which we reflect, learn and adapt – together with our partners.

Our results in 2023

6.4 M

people had their lives measurably improved

325 K

hectares of arable land transitioned to sustainable land management practices

1.16 M

tonnes of CO2 emissions were mitigated

974 K

people gained access to basic & safely managed waste & sanitation

Annual report 2023

Our annual report provides a comprehensive overview of our activities throughout the past year. It covers various aspects, including financial performance, strategic initiatives, and key achievements.


SNV is led by an Executive Team, consisting of our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Country Programmes, Director of Technical Expertise, and Director of People.

Simon O'Connell

Simon O'Connell

Chief Executive Officer

Hans Heijdra

Chief Financial Officer

Megan Ritchie

Director of Country Programmes

Annemieke Beekmans

Director of Technical Expertise

Mascha De Wildt

Director of People

Supervisory Board

Our work is monitored by the SNV Supervisory Board, which ensures we are carrying out our mission: to alleviate poverty in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Melanie Maas Geesteranus

Chair - SNV Supervisory Board

Miriam Hamers

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Stendert Krommendam

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Joyeeta Gupta

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Jenny Elissen

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Laure Wessemius-Chibrac

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Torgny Holmgren

Member - SNV Supervisory Board

Inspired to make a difference?

At SNV, we're always seeking new partnerships to achieve our shared mission. Whether you're interested in learning more about our activities or exploring collaboration opportunities.