SNV Tanzania
Tanzania ranks 167 out of 191 on the Human Development Index. SNV is supporting 100,000 Tanzanian farmers to have greater resilience to climate change.
Plot 1124, Chole road, Msasani Peninsular, Dar es Salaam, PO Box 3941
Present since1971
With over 50 years of working to support Tanzanian communities, we have a long track record of achieving scale and sustainability that makes a lasting difference in the lives of people in poverty. SNV in Tanzania’s diverse portfolio covers climate-smart agriculture, landscape conservation, renewable energy, and water, sanitation and hygiene.
Working from offices in Dodoma, Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Sumbawanga, and engaging with people in 23 regions across the country, we have built strong partnerships with national and local government, businesses, donors, and partners. This breadth and depth of experience has resulted in compelling public/private partnerships for greater long-term impact.
Cookstove entrepreneurs supported through our programmes have sold an average of 118,000 cookstoves per year, reducing fuelwood consumption and thus household costs.
Climate smart agriculture is also vitally important for this largely agricultural economy. We’ve worked with 20 SMEs and farming cooperatives in four value chains; sunflower, potato, sorghum and common beans, training close to 80,000 smallholder farmers in climate proofing their farming system.
SNV has improved equitable and sustainable access to water and sanitation for 360,000 people through the construction of the first faecal sludge treatment plants in Arusha and Shinyanga, supporting manual emptying sanitation workers including PPE, and promoting behavioural change.
Want to collaborate with us?
Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Tanzania.