Mobile Data for Moving Herd Management (MODHEM+)

Burkina Faso


MODHEM+ project aims to strengthen the resilience of agro-pastoralists in Burkina Faso

The Mobile Data for Moving Herd Management (MODHEM+) project aims to strengthen the resilience of men and women agro-pastoralists in Burkina Faso, as well as improve their food security by supporting them to adapt to climate change and market conditions through the use of the GARBAL integrated digital service. Funded by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) through the G4AW facility, the project underwent a pilot phase between 2016 and 2019. The scale up is supported by the Embassy of Netherlands in Ouagadougou (from 2020 to 2023) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Burkina Faso (2021 - 2024), with an additional objective to  improving access to pastoral resources and infrastructure for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists.

In Burkina Faso, 86% of the working population work in agriculture and livestock and contribute around 30% to the Gross Domestic Product. However, due to insecurity in the region and the variability and scarcity of natural resources – often as a result of climate variability and climate change – the mobility of pastoralists is impacted; where patterns of seasonal migratory movements (transhumance) have become uncertain, costly, and risky. Agricultural activities are also affected by climate variability, fluctuating market prices, and limited technical support networks.

The GARBAL digital service, which was developed during the first phase of the project, is a decision-support service for pastoralists and farmers, providing them with more predictability and reliability in their movements. GARBAL offers instant access to a combination of geo-satellite data and information collected in the field using a number of variables: biomass availability, water availability, agro-meteorological information and forecasts, transhumance corridors, and prices of livestock and agricultural products in different markets. GARBAL's teleconsultants also provide advice by answering users' requests in local languages.  The service is available through a simple phone call to 777 for a modest fee of 30 FCFA per min (around 0.4€).

MODHEM+ for an integrated and sustainable digital service

MODHEM+ was designed by SNV, who coordinates the project and ensures that it best meets the needs and expectations of agro-pastoralists. The project is based on a public-private partnership with ORANGE Burkina which commercially operates the GARBAL service since 2019 and also leads the marketing and promotion scheme, the Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources through the General Department of Pastoral Spaces and Facilities (DGFOMR) which certifies the disseminated information and supports in the proximity mobilisation of end users, and the Hoefsloot Spatial Solutions which collects satellite data, processes them and makes them available to GARBAL users.

The scaling-up phase has enabled the project to be extended geographically to the Centre-North region of Burkina Faso, in addition to the seven regions initially covered. Orange Burkina has also undertaken marketing initiatives to progressively cover the South-West, Centre-South, and Centre-East regions.

This phase made it possible to strengthen the viability of the GARBAL service business model by expanding its offering to include new digital solutions. Thus, GARBAL YAAR was launched in November 2021, strengthening access to agricultural and livestock inputs and connecting operators. The foundations have been laid for the development of inclusive finance solutions that can be consolidated into future opportunities.

A component focusing on facilitating pastoral mobility for greater impact

To increase the impact of the GARBAL service for pastoral mobility, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Burkina Faso has been providing additional funding to the MODHEM+ project since 2021 for the construction of pastoral infrastructure and development of pastoral areas, supporting pastoral value chain actors, particularly women and youth, the creation of an institutional, regulatory and policy framework favourable to pastoralism, and capacity building services. This initiative expands and completes the scope of the MODHEM+ project in 20 communes in the Centre-Sud, Cascades, Centre-West and South-West regions.

The Information component funded by EKN concluded in December 2023, but the GARBAL service continues to serve Burkina Faso pastoralists, agropastoralists and farmer communities, through the Public Private Partnership with with support from SDC as part of the pastoral infrastructure component.

Our progress


unique users of GARBAL


callers to GARBAL 777 had real-time access to useful information on crops, livestock and market opportunities via their mobile phones.


downloads of the GARBAL YAAR application, giving farmers and pastoralists access to vital information to help them manage the growing risks of climate change and food security.


of agropastoral households using the service reported improved animal and crop productivity

News and stories


Inclusive pastoralism for women and young people

Inclusive Pastorialism

'We firmly believe in the benefits of digital applications for development cooperation'

Impact story

Using satellite data and digital services to transform agri-food systems in Burkina Faso

See all our updates

Our donors and partners

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)