BRILHO Energy Africa Programme



Access to electricity is crucial for development in health, education, food security, and gender equality. In Mozambique, only 30% of the population has access to electricity.

Lack of access to electricity represents a fundamental barrier to development. It hinders progress in areas such as health, education, food security and gender equality. In Mozambique, it is estimated that only 30% of the population has access to electricity leaving over 20 million people reliant on inefficient lighting and energy solutions.

The Government of Mozambique is committed to reaching the Sustainable Energy for All target of Universal Energy Access by 2030. To reach this ambitious goal, it is estimated that 373 thousand new connections per year, a more than six-fold increase from the current rate of around 60 thousand, will be required.

The Energy Africa Campaign, which aims to support the African government's efforts in realising their universal energy targets, recognises that to supply the vast number of off-grid households required, private sector companies, with the innovation and investment they bring, are a vital part of the solution. Embodying this vision, a £ 38 million programme entitled BRILHO was launched in July 2019 and will run until 2026. SNV is leading the implementation of this project with partners Marge, Catalyst Advisors and Practical Action Consulting.

The programme, funded by UKAID and Sida, represents the UK and Swedish commitment to the Energy Africa Campaign in Mozambique and is intended to be matched by practical government support to the off-grid energy private sector. BRILHO will target three identified interconnected areas of energy need in Mozambique: improved cooking solutions, solar home systems, and green mini-grids.

BRILHO is committed to achieving the goals of the Energy Africa Compact for Mozambique. It has, so far, increased energy access for more than three million people in Mozambique.

For more information, click here to visit BRILHO’s website.

Our results


connections were made to facilitate access to energy.

3 Million

People gained energy access with solar systems and improved cooking solutions.


Jobs have been created.

£37 Million

Mobilised in private funding.

News and stories

Impact story

Driving systems transformation through clean energy in Mozambique


Government of Mozambique approves regulatory framework for off-grid access to energy


Why impact-driven financing is essential in climate action


BRILHO programme supports over half a million Mozambicans to access modern energy solutions

Woman standing outside her solar home
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Our donors and partners

UK Aid
Sweden Sverige logo